Page 148 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 148
If you do not have your DD214, your Service Treatment Records or your Medical evidence you can visit:
A simple request for information form is available. Fill out the form, print it and send it to the address
indicated for your area.
Fully Developed Claim
The VA established the Fully Developed Claim Program to expeditiously process claims certified by the
claimant or his/her representative as meeting the Fully Developed Claim criteria. For you to participate in
the Fully Developed Claim Program, you must obtain the relevant service treatment and personnel
records and provide them to the VA.
Standard Claim
As a standard claim, the VA is responsible for getting relevant records from any Federal agency that you
adequately identify and authorize the VA to obtain.
The VA will make every reasonable effort to obtain relevant records not held by a Federal agency that
you adequately identify and authorize the VA to obtain. These may include privately held evidence and
information you tell us about (such as records from a private doctor or hospital) and/or records from State
or local governments or current or former employers.
The VA will provide a medical examination for you or get a medical opinion if determined it is necessary
to make a claims decision.
Veterans Claims Assistance Act (VCAA)
In November 2000, Congress passed the Veterans Claims Assistance Act (VCAA) to define what the
VA's responsibilities are in assisting claimants in obtaining evidence to support a claim and also to define
the responsibilities of the claimant. VCAA responsibilities are as follows:
VA's Responsibilities include:
• Obtaining relevant records from any Federal agency. This may include records from the military,
VA Medical Centers (including private facilities where VA authorized treatment) or the Social
Security Administration.
• Providing a medical examination or obtaining a medical opinion, if determined it is necessary to
decide the claim.
A Claimant's Responsibilities include:
• Obtaining relevant records not held by a Federal agency. This may include records from State or
local governments, private doctors and hospitals, or current or former employers. The VA may
assist in obtaining these records.
• Providing enough information to the VA so that records may be requested.