Page 103 - Firehouse Pond
P. 103


             Is at the center of human consciousness

             Is the drive to create and preserve life

             Is the awareness of oneself

             Is our intellectual power–that which thinks, reasons, and

             Gives us our ethical sensibilities

             Is our will, our individual volition

             Is our aesthetic sensibility

             Is the part of us that loves and seeks intimacy

             Is the seat of the imagination

             Is the great cry of I AM awakened in the individual, and finally

             Contains what depth psychologists call the shadow.  The contents

             of the shadow are those aspects of us judged unacceptable by
             society, religion, and ourselves.

             We cannot get rid of these aspects, so instead, we carry them with

             us below our conscious awareness, often on an instinctual level.

             Every function of the soul has a shadow.”

                                                    Edward Tick, Ph.D.
                                                     War and the Soul
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