Page 170 - Anthology
P. 170

I was born in Kentucky and I was the next to the youngest child.

               My sister and I decided that we would join the military together.  We went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where they
               were having a special day for signing up.  They gave us a ride in an airplane.  It was a small plane, but it
               was our first plane ride and it was lots of fun.

               I had to go to basic training in Oglethorpe, Georgia. I remember having to crawl on the ground; climb a
               rope ladder to board a ship; learning how to march; and gas training.  After completing basic, we were
               given about a week off then we had to climb a train and go to California.  I know it was near San
               Francisco.  While there some girls and I went out one night for dinner.

               I had learned typewriting in high school, so the army assigned me to office duty.  We boarded a ship and
               crossed the equator; that was exciting.  We had some training on the ship.  I remember getting sick on
               board the ship.  I also remember that when eating we’d have to chase after our plates as the ship rolled
               from side to side.  It was funny in a way.  I would fill my pockets full of crackers to eat to fight off the sea-
               sickness. I’d keep some hidden under my pillow; just in case.

               We didn’t know where we were going; at that time, they never told you where you were going until you got
               there.  We were always going to an undisclosed destination.  The first time we got off the boat was in a
               jungle area; it was Hollandia, New Guinea.
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