Page 48 - Anthology
P. 48

A small piece of paper reveals considerable knowledge …

                           Casualty Collection Station       Gernsbach                           Field Post 02379

               Name   Hoover Robert

               Rank    American Prisoner of War

               Unit  ________________________

               Received on   February 25, 1945

               Shot through the side of the chest                           Pulse

                                             Field post number 02379 belonged to:

               2. Kompanie u. 1.-3. Zug Kranken-Transport-Abteilung 693  (German)

               2  Company and 1 -3  Train Wounded Transport Division 693 (English Translation)

                                                     UNIT DESCRIPTION
               15 men

                   •   Staff of the wounded transport division would include a commanding medical officer;
                   •   Medical assistant;
                   •   Paymaster;
                   •   Medics and drivers;
                   •   In addition to medical supplies they would have had a car;
                   •   A medium sized truck and a larger truck;

               When possible, they would be transported in trains.  These trains routinely had:

                   •   37 cars;
                   •   A locomotive;
                   •   A luggage and equipment car;
                   •   A car for wounded officers, and;
                   •   Several cars holding 11 wounded;
                   •   An operation/pharmacy car;
                   •   A kitchen car;
                   •   A car for the medical staff and other army passengers.

                                 Translation and research provided by:  Mr. Wes Phelps, World Languages Teacher,
                                          Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, Lexington, Kentucky
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