Page 49 - Anthology
P. 49

I assume this was the group Private Hoover was with as they tried to evade the Allies.

               The H.V.Pl (Heeresverbandsplatz) in Beinheim would be a typical army medical field hospital.  They might
               have been in tents (like M.A.S.H.) or in a building.  I tend to believe he was in a building since Beinheim is
               a village and there was a room number listed.

               The Casualty Collection Stations (Krankensammelstellen) were areas where wounded were brought to be
               picked up for transport to the field hospital or the next location.

               It appears from the locations mentioned that they moved towards the west away from advancing Allied
               troops.  He was captured in Gersheim on February 10, attended to in Beinheim only a few hours later,
               and then was at a casualty collection location in Gernsbach on February 25.

               1 Gersheim is in western Germany very close to the French border.  2 Beinheim is in present day France
               in Alsace-Lorraine on the western side of the Rhine.  It would have been German territory then.  3
               Gernsbach is in southwestern Germany.  It is only about 60 miles from Gersheim to Beinheim, and then
               20 miles from Beinheim to Gernsbach.

                         Translation and research provided by:  Mr. Wes Phelps, World Languages Teacher,
                                     Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, Lexington, Kentucky
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