Page 64 - Anthology
P. 64

When we got to Boston, they sent us home for a few days before having to report back down in Florida.
               After being in Florida for only about ten days I was shipped to Fort Myer, Virginia.

                                                      Fort Myer, Virginia

               While at Fort Myer I was in the MPs.  And did you know that one Saturday morning we practiced getting
               on and off trucks?  I couldn’t believe that.  Everybody had been overseas, fighting and everything else
               and here we were practicing getting on a truck and getting off.  But we had to do that just to keep us busy
               and give us something to do.
               On Fort Myer I was on ration detail part of the time and that was a good job.  I took rations around to all
               the mess halls.  I was helping; I wasn’t the head man, only once on a weekend I was.  That picture you
               see is a picture of me and Truman up there:  President Truman.

               I had a nice compliment passed on me while I was at Fort Myer; I had a blouse that you could take the
               buttons off and put them on a board to shine.  So, I did that and shined my shoes, belt buckle and
               everything on a Friday night.  On Saturday; we always had an inspection on Saturday mornings; Sergeant
               Blake was our sergeant.  So, Sergeant Blake and an officer came around to me and the officer said:
               “What’s your name soldier?” and I said, “Private Alvin H. Perry sir.”

               He looked at my rifle and handed it back to me and he says: “Sergeant Blake, this is the only soldier
               you’ve got today.  When this inspection is over, I want you to take Private Perry around and show the rest
               of your platoon.”  I thought that was a pretty good compliment and I get a little choked up about it to this

               It is hard for me to keep track of the time, the days and months.  I don’t remember how long I was at Fort
               Myer.  I do remember I was discharged from Fort Myer.  I got out in November I think, and I caught a train
               back home.
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