Page 61 - Anthology
P. 61


               Typical lists of the contents of a Red Cross parcel received by an American POWs:

                   •   One pound can of powdered milk
                   •   One package ten assorted cookies
                   •   One pound can of oleo margarine
                   •   Half-pound package of cube sugar
                   •   Half-pound package of Kraft cheese
                   •   Six-ounce package of K-ration biscuits
                   •   Four-ounce can of coffee
                   •   Two D-ration chocolate bars
                   •   Six-ounce can of jam or peanut butter
                   •   Twelve-ounce can of salmon or tuna
                   •   One-pound can of Spam or corned beef
                   •   One-pound package of raisins or prunes
                   •   Five packages of cigarettes
                   •   Seven Vitamin-C tablets
                   •   Two bars of soap
                   •   Twelve ounces of C-ration vegetable soup concentrate

                                                   Red Cross Food Parcel

               I was at Stalag XII-A for about two weeks.  The Germans didn’t feed us much, without that Red Cross
               parcel we would have been in bad shape.  Stalag or Stammlager ("Base camp") – These were enlisted
               personnel POW camps.
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