Page 10 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 10
Before you become too critical of my writing style let’s get some things out in the open.
I am an independent thinker.
I do things my way.
I believe I have earned the right to be what, and how I choose to be.
I will use:
• Underlining: To add emphasis especially when it applies to a quote from other
documents or writers.
• Italic font: For book titles and to enhance thought.
• Bold: Will not be used by me to make a point. If you see bolding of text, it is from an
original quote.
• Punctuation: Especially the use of the comma (,) and semi-colon (;); I believe in the use
of a pause as we read. I will overuse the comma to slow your reading speed and
channel you to think.
• Incomplete sentences: Sometimes it is what it is.
• Spacing: I like to separate ideas and thoughts. It helps me and I hope it will assist you
as you become familiar with how I express myself.
• Opinion: This entire work represents my opinions. Otherwise, it would not be in the
• Supporting documents: You should expect me to use supporting documents in the form
of writings from others to complete these offerings.
• Web-page hyperlinks to provide further documentation and to support my writings.
This publication is in the category of scholarly (intellectual) or technical work. I have taken all possible
actions to ensure against copyright infringement. I have used limited quotes from other writers to support
a point of view(s) or to direct my readers to that source for further reading and research.
In all cases, the use of another writer’s words should be considered complimentary.