Page 9 - A Soldiers Exposition
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From about the age of six, I inherently knew I had a soul and that angels exist. Say what you want, think
about what you want and feel what you want. It is of your choosing.
I know I felt my soul, I lost my soul, and I salvaged my soul. I believe I have seen and communicated with
angels. A review of my life experiences will dictate that there is no other explanation of the events.
Therefore, I believe I am living proof of angels.
Throughout this editorial, you will read quotes from War and the Soul, written by Edward Tick, Ph.D.
Doctor Tick re-enforces many of my thoughts and opinions.
If you are a veteran, I especially encourage you to read War and the Soul, and Sacred Mountain by
Edward Tick, Ph.D.
Although not quoted, I also recommend Heaven Is for Real by Todd Burpo and
90 Minutes In Heaven by Don Piper. These two books add to my confidence that angels and heaven are
Post-Traumatic Stress can be an all-controlling disorder.
I prefer to think of it as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury.
“Lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen…” Deuteronomy 4:9
Those words ring true for me.
I do not consider it a disorder. I was injured – I am injured.
So, what exactly is A Soldier’s Exposition?
Simple answer: An account, an editorial, a story – my story.
I am willing to bet that at least some of you thought I had misused the use of the word exposition.
It’s ok. I like to twist things up every now and then.
If you favor a short; concise; succinct; to the point; Cliff Notes writing style:
They will not be found on the following pages.
I am inclined to rambling.
I will eventually tell you the complete story.
Hang in there and always remember to use your critical thinking skills.
This is an adventure on foot not by a rocket.
If you appreciate pithy, infuriating, maddening, make you think statements on nearly every page; thanks;
we will get along just fine.