Page 142 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 142
American Veterans:
As one of America’s foremost Veterans service organizations, AMVETS (or AmerIcan Veterans) has a
proud history of assisting Veterans and sponsoring numerous programs that serve our country and its citI-
zens. The helping hand that AMVETS extends to Veterans and their famIlies takes many forms.
One of the most visIble is our network of trained national service officers (NSOs) accredited by the
Department of Veterans Affairs. Funded by the AMVETS National Service Foundation, these men and
women can be found in close to 40 states, providing sound advice and prompt action on compensation
claims at no charge to the Veteran.
Disabled American Veterans:
The Disabled American Veterans is dedicated to a single purpose: building better lives for all our nation’s
disabled Veterans and their families. In fulfilling its mission, the DAV has developed the preeminent
service program for America’s Veterans. That service is provided free of charge through a nationwide
network of 88 DAV National Service Offices, 38 Transition Service Offices, 198 DAV Hospital Service
Coordinator Offices, 52 state-level DAV Departments, 249 DAV VA Voluntary Service Representatives,
and more than 1900 local DAV Chapters
Veterans of Foreign Wars:
OUR MISSION: To foster camaraderie among United States Veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our
Veterans, the military, and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all Veterans.
The American Legion:
Mission: The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic
veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service
organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities,
advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow
service members and Veterans.
Paralyzed Veterans of America:
Mission: For more than 65 years, Paralyzed Veterans of America has been on a mission to change lives
and build brighter futures for our seriously injured heroes—to empower these brave men and women with
what they need to achieve the things they fought for: freedom and independence.