Page 16 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 16
“A soldier looked at me with blue hawk-eyes, with kindly glances sorrow had made wise.
And, talked till all I’d ever read in books, melted to ashes in his burning looks.”
War’s Embers, 1919
Ivor Burney, British soldier (World War I)
“Now the war is over, my war charms lie abandoned in my bedroom, leaving me with death on my
shoulder and a monkey on my back. Peace seems to allow little space for belief in destiny, fate, God or
My War Gone By, I Miss It So
Anthony Loyd
“A society “protected” from the reality of war can rewrite the narrative, shaping and forming it into
something less terrible and costly by emphasizing only the heroism and triumphs rather than the dark,
ugly deeds that occur with much greater frequency than we care to imagine or discuss.”
Things They Cannot Say
Kevin Sites
“Our society must accept responsibility for its war-making. To the returning Veterans, our leaders and
people must say, you did this in our name and because you were subject to our orders, we lift the burden
of your actions from you and take it onto our shoulders. We are responsible for you, for what you did and
the consequences.’’
War and the Soul
Edward Tick, Ph. D
The U.S. listed about 1,350 Americans as prisoners of war or missing in action and roughly 1,200
Americans reported killed in action and bodies not recovered. The United States Senate Select
Committee on POW/MIA Affairs of 1991–1993 led by Senators John Kerry, Bob Smith, and John McCain
found "No compelling evidence that proves any American remains alive in captivity in Southeast Asia.”
According to the VA, there are approximately 107,000 homeless Veterans.
Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all!
By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall.
The Liberty Song
John Dickinson
Originated in the fourth verse of a 1768 patriotic ballad.
“The soul is the awareness of oneself as a discrete entity moving through space and time.”
War and the Soul
Edward Tick, Ph.D.