Page 18 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 18


               My purpose for writing this short exposition is quite simple - categorically.

               I intend to:

                       1.  Describe what it was like serving my country on active duty.

                       2.  Offer background for the decisions I made throughout my service.

                       3.  Contribute insight into the methodology of the government and how the methods used to
                          create a challenging path for returning Veterans.

                       4.  Cause the reader to use Critical Thinking and Independent Thinking when considering our
                          Veterans and their service and sacrifice for our nation.

                       5.  Give the reader reason to laugh, cry, scream, and hopefully:  Get involved.

                       6.  Provide a few resources for Veterans to use in pursuit of a much-deserved Veterans
                          Administration (VA) disability rating.

                          The words “Veteran” and “Veterans” will be capitalized to show high respect.
               I do this, not for self-indulgence, but to establish a record, the real record; not the government’s record of
               a soldier’s (my) service.

               As you read this please keep in mind those seven questions.

               This might be the perfect time for you to ask:

                                “Why would the government’s record differ from the soldier’s record?”

                         “A society “protected” from the reality of war can rewrite the narrative, shaping
                         and forming it into something less terrible and costly by emphasizing only the

                         heroism and triumphs rather than the dark, ugly deeds that occur with much
                         greater frequency than we care to imagine or discuss.”

                                        Kevin Sites – From:  Things They Cannot Say
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