Page 130 - Firehouse Pond
P. 130


                                                  WAR AND THE SOUL
                                                   EDWARD TICK, PH.D.

             Early in the year 2014, several significant people entered my life.  I had

             completed and published A Soldier’s Exposition and was well on my way to
             writing A Soldier’s Anthology.

             The first of many influential people is Doctor Edward Tick.  My research had

             taken me down several untraveled paths during which I stumbled across a
             copy of War and The Soul written by Edward Tick, Ph.D.; Doctor Tick’s
             approach and his writing style reached out to me. His alternative treatment

             methods interested me.

             I would soon discover Soldier’s Heart.  The material captured my attention.  I
             read War and The Soul studied the web pages and repeated the process

             multiple times.  Each time, I knew I had discovered an alternative.  I picked
             up the phone and dialed.

             That phone call was made in the early morning hours.  The Soldier’s Heart
             answering machine did its assigned duties.  I spoke into it, telling my story;
             “Good morning, my name is Denny Hart, I am a twenty-two-year Army

             veteran with severe PTSD, interested in Doctor Tick’s approach.”  I gave my
             phone number and asked that someone please return my call.

             My wife was present when I made that phone call.  Her reaction was one of

             She is also a victim of PTSD.  She is affected because she married into PTSD.

             It was only natural and expected that she be apprehensive.  Fourteen years, of
             enduring my nightly blood-curdling screams, night sweats, talking in my
             sleep; yes, she is also a PTSD victim.
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