Page 137 - Firehouse Pond
P. 137

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               2           Hart, Denny. Photograph of the original Firehouse Pond.  June 23, 2015.
               5           Hart, Denny. Photograph of the replica of the Charleston Firehouse, Pond
                           and Water Tower, circa the mid-1950s.  Hand-drawn by Charlie Turner.
             6 & 17        Hart, Denny. Photograph of Denny from Hart family photo album.
               7           Turner, Charlie. Photograph of Mr. Turner with the replica of an 1899
                           Victorian country home.  Photograph provided by Mr. Turner with
                           permission to use.
               8           Mississippi County Historical Society. Photograph of the old Charleston
                           Firehouse and City Hall.
               9           Hart, Denny. Photograph of the original Firehouse Pond and the original
                           stone arch. June 23, 2015.
              12           Hart, Denny. Photograph of Denny as a young baby,  from Hart family
                           photo album.
              20           Hart, Denny. A replica model of the original Firehouse, pond and water

                           tower built and donated by Charleston resident Charlie Turner. June 23,
              22           Mississippi County Historical Society. A typical mule-drawn cotton wagon.
              25           Hart, Denny. A cotton boll, with its sharp tips that often injured the cotton
                           picker’s fingers.
              23           Mississippi County Historical Society. Photograph of the Charleston Cotton
                           Gin circa the 1950s.
              26           Hart, Denny. Photograph of Grandmother, Grandfather, and Denny from
                           Hart family photo album.
              30           Hart, Denny. Photograph of what is believed to be the “Mom and Pop”
                           grocery store circa the 1950s.  June 23, 2015.
              32           Hart, Denny. Photograph of Grandmother and Grandfather from Hart family
                           photo album.
              34           Hart, Denny. Photograph of the McCutchen Theater, Charleston, Missouri.
                           June 23, 2015.
              35           Hart, Denny. Photograph of Thomas F. Hart from Hart family photo album.
              36           Hart, Denny. Photograph of Stave Mill, Charleston, Missouri; Circa 1960s.
                           June 23, 2015.
              38           Hart, Denny. Photograph of Oscar Parson, Thomas F. Hart, Thomas O. Hart
                           and Denny from Hart family photo album.
              39           Mississippi County Historical Society. Photograph of the Brown Shoe
                           Factory, Charleston Missouri, circa the 1950s.
              42           Hart, Denny. Photograph of Denny and sister Evelyn (Evie) from Hart
                           family photo album.
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