Page 20 - Firehouse Pond
P. 20


             It was late on a cold and rainy afternoon.  I was a scrawny six-year-old boy.  I
             had escaped another whipping by my drunken father.  It wasn’t the first and

             certainly would not be the last.

             Running in my bare feet, wearing patched blue jeans and a raggedy t-shirt, I
             raced into the first place I saw; the local firehouse.

             The firemen took me to the kitchen and fed me a grilled cheese sandwich
             with hot chocolate to drink.  I could see the pond through the kitchen

             window; it was small; the firemen were bigger than life. The firehouse was
             warm and quiet.  During the next few years, I would use the firehouse as my
             private and secret haven from the viciousness at home.

             Many lessons of life were learned by me during those visits to the firehouse.
             I recall there were three firemen who protected me.  One, I believe was

             named Johnathan.  He was young, strong, soft-spoken and a Christian.  His
             belief mirrored my grandparents, making him that much more comforting to

             Johnathan would often make each of us a sandwich and take me outside to the
             fishpond located next to the old firehouse.

             He and I would sit, talk, feed the fish, and make plans for my future.  I did not
             realize at the time, but he was often paraphrasing from scripture while
             calming a fearful little boy.

             He would say things like: “Do not be worried about your life.”, and “be
             tough, and let your heart be brave.”  His soft voice and determined resolve
             helped me make it through incident after incident.  Johnathan never wavered;

             he reassured me and kept me safe.

             The warmth of the firehouse; the kindness of the firemen; the rippling of the

             water; feeding the fish; having a safe place; all those things supported my
             growth and maturity.  Lessons learned sitting by the firehouse pond would
             serve me well into the future.
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