Page 27 - Firehouse Pond
P. 27


                                      MY MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER

             Her tenderness, faith, and watchfulness helped a little boy endure in so many
             ways.  Grandmother was small in body but large at heart.  She did more

             manual labor than many a man I have known my entire life.  No one had to
             cut firewood or haul water from the out-door pump for her.

             She always had a big breakfast; including warm corn griddlecakes and

             sorghum molasses, homemade biscuits and gravy, and hot, strong coffee on
             the table for the entire family each morning.

             My grandmother never met a vagrant, a tramp or a bum.  She did feed
             hundreds of distressed hobos.  Her demands were simple.  Wash up, watch
             your mouth, be respectful and never waste food.  In return for the food and

             kindness, the visitors would often help in the garden, cut wood, help with
             minor repairs and leave with a full stomach, warm heart and thankfulness.
             I was never afraid of the visitors to her back door.

             She made a difference every day of her life.  She lived her life with a purpose.
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