Page 32 - Firehouse Pond
P. 32


             My grandparents introduced me to the bible, and they took me to church.  The
             children sat in the main church with the adults but remained silent.  After
             each sermon, we would walk home.  My grandmother would prepare Sunday

             After we ate my grandfather would continue the sermon breaking it down into
             our lives and explain how it applied or could be applied to us individually.  I

             do not recall a single Sunday that I regretted going to church, hearing the
             sermon, eating dinner as a family, and listening to my grandfather make sense
             of what the preacher had taught us that day.

             I recall going to church, being baptized and following the rules set down by
             my grandparents.  We were not allowed to dance, listen to music other than

             church songs, play cards, or associate with non-church going people - except
             the hobos.

             I know there is a heaven.  Grandma and I prayed together, every night; “Our

             Father in heaven …”.
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