Page 34 - Firehouse Pond
P. 34


             Although mom was not well educated; by the book that is.  She was

             intelligent beyond what the town’s folk gave her credit.  She knew exactly
             when to pick the fruit and always got top money for her pickings.  There is no
             doubt that her work ethic and knowledge of crops paid off handsomely for the

                                               FIVE MORE MINUTES

             Much later in life, I recall teaching a class at a small Community College.  I
             would occasionally ask the students to stand up and speak about the random

             topic of the day.

             One case brings sadness and resolve:  After each student had spoken, there

             was time remaining on the clock.  A student spoke up and asked me to speak
             on the same topic of the day.  The focus was:  If you had died, but were given
             five more minutes on earth, what would you do with them?

             Without hesitation, I said I’d spend them sitting and talking with my mother.

             I am not ashamed to admit that I miss my mother.  I am remorseful that I
             failed to spend more time with her.  No excuse.

             I miss you, mom.
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