Page 41 - Firehouse Pond
P. 41


             My sister’s departure and subsequent return to take my brother away from the
             madness resulted in me being left alone with a weakened mother, an aging

             grandfather and no one to turn to for help.

             The beatings increased for my mother and for me.  The physical harm and
             number of incidents per month skyrocketed.  The safety in numbers game was

             over; my father targeted mom and me to vent his outrage of my sibling’s

             I continued seeking shelter in the only safe place in Charleston, the Firehouse
             and the Pond.  I would run as fast as my short little legs could run, away from
             the hurting and into the warmth of the Firehouse.

             I do not remember a single time that anyone ever asked me where I lived or
             why I was always running.  The town was small, everyone knew everyone

             and everything; yet, I remained hidden, even on school days.

             They sheltered me without passing judgment and they led by example. Even
             on the days, I skipped school, they hid me from the violence and protected me

             from harm.  I believe my grandfather knew and was a part of the plan.
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