Page 44 - Firehouse Pond
P. 44

I’m not convinced it was love at first sight – at least for her.  But it was her

             ticket out of a horrible situation.  A few short weeks later she was able to
             come back for my brother.  I hold no ill feelings or grudges for her escape.
             She did what she needed to do at the time.

             Circumstances prevented her from graduating high school, but I would be
             negligent if I failed to tell you that she helped, perhaps in only a small way,
             develop the rocket that boosted an Apollo spacecraft to the moon.

             My sister worked for one of the “Fathers of Rocket Science”.  You might
             have heard of him:  Wernher von Braun, he was the director of the Marshall

             Space Flight Center as the chief designer of the Saturn V launch vehicle that
             boosted the Apollo spacecraft to the Moon.  Way to go, sis!

                                          HELLO, COUNTRY BUMPKIN

             Later in life, my sister opened her own successful restaurant.  Good honest

             country food: many of the things we ate as kids.

             Are you ready for the name?  “Country Bumpkins”, and that is what we were,
             and that was the name of a song she really liked.  Hello Country Bumpkin, by

             Cal Smith was the number one song on the radio in 1974.

             My sister passed away in September 2019.

             I miss you, sis.
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