Page 59 - Firehouse Pond
P. 59

My second wife, Sherry, and I go back to 1960. Sherry and I dated a couple

             of times at about age eighteen. After Barb passed away, one day I was in Cub
             Foods looking at avocados; I looked up and I saw Sherry! So I spoke to her
             and we started talking. She had lost her husband. We exchanged phone

             numbers. I called to ask her out for her birthday.  She was impressed that I
             remembered it.

             It ended up that she fixed us lobsters. She's a good cook. We got married on

             January 5 of 2008. I took her to see Elvis' place in Memphis when we went to
             Jackson to see my sister-in-law.  We also went to California to see the ocean
             and that was a very good time.

                                     FAMILY AND FRIENDS REMEMBER

             Sister Evie Remembers...

             Life would have boring without Tom.  We always did things together. He was

             a hard worker his whole life, and he really has also been a strong man all his
             life.  He taught me how to decorate cakes and bake and cook. I remember
             some good times: jumping rope, playing jacks, digging worms and selling
             them to Fitzpatricks, rubber tires running down the road, being creative in

             making toys liking stomping down on tin cans and clip-clopping like a horse,
             and popping seeds of persimmon trees.

             We very seldom had pets-- may be a stray dog. We didn't always have floors
             in the houses. We slept on straw mattresses, and there were always mice in
             the bed with us. We went fishing with safety pins. Thomas got in the
             quicksand one day, almost up to the waist! We caught a few fish, but they'd

             fall into the water.
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