Page 184 - Anthology
P. 184

The following exposition is presented by the author with approval of The Rev. Chris J. Antal

               The Rev. Chris J. Antal is a Community Minister with the Church of the Larger Fellowship. He is married
               with five children and his family resides in the Hudson Valley of New York.  He is also currently serving as
               a U.S. Army Reserve Chaplain (Captain).

               He and his unit served on active duty in Kandahar, Afghanistan in 2012-2013.

               Chris’ long-time mentor, Edward Tick, Ph.D., has a unique understanding of our nation’s warriors.  Dr.
               Tick, through his organization Soldier’s Heart, has developed methods of counseling returning warriors
               that explore the complexities of a soldier’s pain – including the wounds that do not bleed.  Dr. Tick has
               dedicated his life to working with our nation’s veterans and community leaders.  He has provided insight
               and education since the 1970’s.

               “Our society must accept responsibility for its war making.  To the returning Veterans, our leaders and
               people must say, you did this in our name and because you were subject to our orders, we lift the burden
               of your actions from you and take it onto our shoulders.  We are responsible for you, for what you did and
               the consequences.’’  Edward Tick, Ph.D. – From:  War and the Soul

               I know first-hand that Chris subscribes to the philosophy described by Dr. Tick.  In addition to his service
               to our nation and being a community minister, Chris is also the Pastoral Care Coordinator for Soldier’s

               Perhaps the best way to honor and introduce Chris is through his words.  On the following pages you will
               find several homilies or sermons prepared and presented by Chris.  I encourage you to read, reflect and
               contemplate each word and each circumstance.

               Chris has a connection to our souls; he understands our warriors and their conflicts.
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