Page 5 - Anthology
P. 5


               I dedicate these stories to all Veterans and their families.

               A  special  dedication  goes  to  my  wife,  for  without  her  encouragement,  support  and
               assistance; this compilation would remain spiraling around in my head.  I owe you a life-
               time debt.  Thanks for all that you do every day to make my life meaningful.

               I was invited to lunch one wintry March afternoon in 2014 with a small group of special

               Mrs. Bertha Y. Hoover:  The widow of Robert L. Hoover, a former WWII POW;

               Mr. Alvin H. Perry:  A ninety-year-old former WWII POW and his spouse, Oneita, and;

               Ms. Sara Klopping:  The caregiver of Juan G. Rodriguez, a ninety-three-year-old former
               WWII POW and his spouse, Lorraine. (It would be a few days before I had the honor of
               meeting Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez.)

               The moment I shook hands with Mr. Perry, I sensed the spirit of a humble hero.  I knew
               immediately that I had been accepted into the inner circle of an exceptional group of
               people who had served our nation during one of its most trying times.

               Two months later, I met Mr. James R. Tipton.  Not unlike my first meeting with the
               group, I once again felt the specialness and humility of another veteran.  Mr. Tipton was
               reticent and watchful; he needed to get to know me.  I am grateful he granted my
               invitation to share his story.  Special thanks to his daughter Elsie and to his son Bill for
               their assistance with compiling their father’s story.  Your family pride is evident.

               The kindness, compassion and commitment of the staff of Thomson-Hood Veterans
               Center, Wilmore, Kentucky, was instrumental with the completion of interviews of eleven
               Veterans; residents of the center.  Thank you for your assistance.

               The sacrifices and contributions made by the Veterans and the families in this book,
               help build the very foundation on which we as free people live today.

               You are about to read a book about unpretentious heroes.

               Some modestly helped their nation by serving and going where they were told and
               doing what was needed; perhaps a Navy WAVE serving at a hospital caring for our
               wounded returning from Normandy; a jeep driver who never served overseas, but was
               the personal driver for John Eisenhower – the president’s son; or perhaps a participant
               of the Battle for Guadalcanal; or an infantryman taken prisoner, but allowed by his
               German captors to eat the birthday cake he’d received the day before his capture.

               I am enormously appreciative for the living history lessons given by each participant.
               No history book ever provided me the insight or personal experiences – in their own
               words - anything close to the story-telling you are about read.
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