Page 109 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 109
Office of (name)
Washington, DC 205_ _
Dear Representative (name):
The purpose of my letter is to ask that you always:
1. Read every piece of legislation; every page; every word; AND that you certify in writing that you have read and
comprehend said legislation BEFORE casting your vote. Failure to do so, and you are guilty of dereliction of duty.
Your penalty: A vote against you in the next election
2. Consider the United States as the priority in all voting decisions
3. Apply common sense, not political sense in all voting decisions
4. Stand on your own; step outside the box and outside “group thinking”
5. Support constitutional amendments that:
a. Declares the United States as a sovereign nation with restricted expenditure regulations and therefore
unable to provide foreign aid to any country without the expressed authorization of the American citizens
by a 2/3 majority vote
b. Requires a balanced Federal budget
c. Requires ALL legislation necessitating the spending of tax raised funds in excess of ten million dollars to
be approved by 2/3 of the American voters
d. Prohibits lobbyists and the receiving of any donations of any kind from lobbyists by any government official
e. Prohibits the use of “Ear-Marks” and “Pork Barrel” legislation
f. Prohibits the use of Continuing Resolutions to fund the Federal government
g. Strictly limits the use of Executive Orders to non-spending matters
h. Requires that every dollar in foreign aid be met with ten dollars of funding for domestic necessities
i. Eliminates the Electoral College; establishes the Popular Vote as the basis of election for all Federal
j. Establishes Voter Identification laws for every election both state and federal, and limits voting to U.S.
citizens. This same amendment should declare it a federal offense and set a penalty of ten years in jail;
$100,000 fine, and forfeiture of all future voting rights for voting more than once or knowingly allowing a
person to vote more than once
k. Limits the number of military combat and combat service support tours to no more than twelve months
during a three-year period
l. Limits the term of office for U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators to two terms of three years each or a
maximum of six years in office
m. Limits foreign and domestic travel of all elected officials except those appointed to certain required
committees and sub-committees
n. Requires the approval of 2/3 of the American voters to approve all salary increases for the President, Vice
President, and all members of Congress
o. Establishes salary caps of no more than:
o $150,000 a year and the use of the White House residence for the President
o $100,000 a year and the use of the United States Naval Observatory residence for the Vice-President
o $100,000 a year for the Senate Leader, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives
o $80,000 a year for remaining elected members
I can guess that right about now you or the aid that is reading this letter is thinking: “We’ve got a crazy one here!” But I assure you,
I have given all this considerable thought.
It is time for the citizens of our nation, and our elected representatives to stand up and do what is right for this country. We must
close all gates of opportunity which allow elected officials to govern at will. It seems to me that using Constitutional Amendments is
the most powerful method for the citizens to establish control of their government.