Page 113 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 113

It is time for the citizens of our nation, and our elected representatives to stand up and do what is right for this country.  We must
               close all gates of opportunity which allow elected officials to govern at will.  It seems to me that using Constitutional Amendments is
               the most powerful method for the citizens to establish control of their government.

               Our founding fathers must be weeping for this nation and questioning what the heck you guys are up to in Washington.  They never
               intended for the President or members of Congress to have such casual arrogances.

               Governing our country is a serious business.

               There are so many “things” that can be changed simply by you and the other members standing up and saying NO.  Say NO to:

                                 a.   Lobbyists and the receiving of any donations of any kind from them
                                 b.   The use of “Ear-Marks” and “Pork Barrel” legislation.  How?  Let everyone know that you will vote NO
                                     on any legislation containing a single line of Earmarks, or Pork Barrel legislation
                                 c.   Continuing Resolutions to fund the Federal government
                                 d.   Any legislation that spends money on any item that is not “essential” and in the best interest of the
                                     common citizen.
                                 e.   To ALL foreign aid until our nation establishes a balanced budget and has a surplus of at least one
                                     trillion dollars.  A well-known psychiatrist once said:  “You have to take care of yourself before you are
                                     able to care for anyone else.”  I agree.

               I thank you for allowing me to express my opinions.

               I will close by letting you know that I am not aligned with either party.  I vote for the person(s) that have demonstrated the strength
               and willingness to think independently and do the right thing. Take a risk – for the country.

               I am a twenty-two-year veteran of our military and I believe the military is once again being singled out and targeted.

               My guess is that with just a few hours of review; billions of dollars in expenditures could be eliminated without affecting a single

               Have you identified any places to cut the spending - immediately?  Please share with me.

               The next time you are in my home state, call me; I’ll be happy to meet in person.


               (Your name)
               (Your street address)
               (Your city, state, and zip)
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