Page 127 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 127

                                               CONGRESSIONAL “NO” PLEDGE

               I pledge that I will:

                   •  Say “NO” to Non-Americans voting in our elections

                   •  Say “NO” to All foreign Aid without a 2/3 vote of the American voters

                   •  Say “NO” to An unbalanced federal budget

                   •  Say “NO” to “Pork-Barrel” spending attachments and amendments

                   •  Say “NO” to the use of “Ear-Marks” on all legislation

                   •  Say “NO” to the use of Continuing Resolutions to fund the Federal government

                   •  Say “NO” to All but essential travel

                   •  Say “NO” to the use of Executive Orders that result in spending of any nature

                   •  Say “NO” to All forms of influence by lobbyists

                   •  Say “NO” to All funds offered by lobbyist

                   •  Say “NO” to the sending of American soldiers to more than one combat tour in a three-year period
                       of service

                   •  Say “NO” to Any aid for any country that has not pledged its allegiance to the United States of
                       America and to a democratic form of government

                   •  Say “NO” to Any aid for any country that is known to have human rights violations

                   •  Say “NO” to All new hiring by the federal government for the next 12 months.

               By saying “NO”, I also pledge to sponsor or be a co-sponsor of legislation to fulfill my pledge within twelve

               __________________________________          ____________________________
               Signature                                          Date

                                                 Signed by all elected officials.
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