Page 130 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 130
Spending is out of control. Agree or disagree with that statement it really does not matter.
I have a little different slant on it:
The problem is the methods of our spending habits. The continued use of “Ear-Marks and add-ons” gives
our elected officials an unlimited opportunity to increase spending without having to fully justify their
A brief look at the recent aid package for Hurricane Sandy victims will reveal monies allocated for “things”
other than the hurricane:
“In spite of much needed fiscal responsibility, it appears that the federal government will continue to
spend taxpayer money like the words "fiscal cliff" are inconsequential. Although much of the East Coast is
still recovering from Sandy, it seems that the President's bill may be more about increasing government
spending than it is about helping Sandy victims — not to mention, that through already available
government funds and private donations, it may not be needed at all.
The bill in question, among other things, provides $150 million for Alaskan fisheries and $8 million for the
Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice to purchase new cars and equipment.
Also, an additional $13 billion of the bill would go toward projects that are designed to prepare for future
Although the bill's supposed intent is to provide emergency assistance, the Congressional Budget Office
contests that only one-third of the money would be spent over the next 21 months — in turn lessening the
emphasis on emergency relief. This raises brows to what exactly President Obama's true intentions are
for the bill, especially when considering the timing and possible (although not likely) spending
concessions that he'll have to make during the fiscal cliff negotiations.”
Make your voice heard. This is our country. Do not abdicate control. The elected officials are just that
“elected”. Our votes count. VOTE next time and every time.
Demand voter identification laws in every state and for every election. Only American citizens should be
allowed to vote in an American election.
If our forefathers could meet under the conditions of the 1700s which led up to the writing of our
constitution we can come together to amend that hallowed document to safeguard the existence of our