Page 45 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 45


               1959:   American military advisors were killed in Vietnam:  The first US casualties
               1960:   The National Liberation Front (NLF) was formed, also known as the Vietcong (VC)
               1961:   US President Kennedy pledged extra aid to South Vietnam
               1962:   The number of US military advisors increased from 700 to 12,000
               1963:   15,000 US military advisors were in South Vietnam
               1964:   The Gulf of Tonkin incident; Congress passed the ‘Gulf of Tonkin Resolution’
                       America bombs targets in North Vietnam; NLF attacked US airbases;
               1965:  ‘Operation Rolling Thunder’; first US combat troops were sent to Vietnam in March;
                       By the end of the year, there were 200,000 US troops in Vietnam
                       First major conventional clash between USA and NVA at Ia Drang
               1966:   400,000 US troops were in Vietnam
               1967:   490,000 US troops in Vietnam
               1968:   Tet Offensive
                       Demonstrations against the war started in America
                       My Lai massacre;
                       Peace talks began in Paris
                       540,000 US troops in Vietnam
               1969:   Nixon ordered the secret bombing of Cambodia; ‘Vietnamization’ started
                       Nixon announced the start of US troop withdrawals
                       480,000 US troops in Vietnam
                       My Lai massacre made public in November
               1970:   Four student demonstrators shot dead at Kent State University
                           280,000 US troops in Vietnam
                       Secret peace talks held in Paris
                       Large scale anti-war demonstrations throughout the USA
               1971:   140,000 US troops in Vietnam
                       Lt. William Calley convicted of murder at My Lai and jailed.
               1972:   Haiphong harbor mined (May)
                       “Peace is at hand” – Dr. Kissinger.
               1973:  Ceasefire signed in Paris
                       Last US troops left Vietnam
                       US POW’s released
               1975:  Khmer Rouge took control of Cambodia; NLF captured Saigon;

               1982:   Vietnam Veterans Memorial unveiled in Washington DC.

                            “Our society must accept responsibility for its war making.  To the returning
                             Veterans, our leaders and people must say, you did this in our name and

                             because you were subject to our orders, we lift the burden of your actions
                           from you and take it onto our shoulders. We are responsible for you, for what
                                               you did and the consequences.”

                                        Edward Tick, Ph.D. – From:  War and The Soul
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