Page 57 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 57


                                           “In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.
                                     No stitches, no scars, no burns, no observable wounds.”

                                                         José Narosky

                                                       Wounds of War
                                                     Some wounds of war
                                                       Are never seen
                                                  They're buried deep within
                                                       No open wound
                                                       No Purple Heart
                                                    No blemish on the skin
                                                     But these are wounds
                                                       That leave a scar
                                                      Upon our very soul
                                                     They tear our hearts
                                                        Cause misery
                                                     And take a heavy toll
                                                    Our bloodless wounds
                                                       Cause us to ask
                                                   Oh GOD, what was it for
                                                      We go through life
                                                       Not knowing why
                                                We have these Wounds of War

               Watching people being injured and or killed, whether in training or in actual engagement, combat or
               humanitarian aid, turns everything on its head.

               Everything that encompasses one’s moral fiber is challenged.

               Witnessing and watching these events become memories that can’t be suppressed.  They become a
               lifelong sentence.  They generate questions that only the soldier (Veteran) can attempt to answer:

               “Am I hateful or respectable?”

               “Are/were my actions hateful or respectable?”

               “Were my thoughts and actions my own or just me following orders deprived of any opportunity to ask

               These questions are never answered.

               The vivid images may be faded, the events might be edited and rewritten to allow acceptance.  But the
               memories linger.
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