Page 54 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 54
History speaks loudly of the aid and assistance we as a nation have given to other countries. A few days
spent reading history books will educate us as to the loss of life, livelihood, and treasure (money)
Americans have given to rebuild nations.
Often the aid provided is to countries that have questionable loyalty to the USA.
A recent case in point: Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood government:
“Secretary of State John Kerry has made exactly the wrong move. Releasing $250 million in aid to
Egypt’s fragile Muslim Brotherhood government -- based on nothing more than hopes and promises --- is
the worst possible course of action and gives a hostile and repressive regime a lifeline at precisely the
wrong time.”
Read more:
I question why our government supports such foreign aid at all - especially when we here at home are
Our economy is in bad shape no matter who you listen to.
The unemployment rate is the highest in years. I do not believe our government is reporting the true
situation. There are so many “categories” of people who are no longer being counted.
We should have an immediate moratorium on all foreign aid. I do not want to hear the argument that
cutting aid will not solve our budget deficit. We must start somewhere, and it only makes sense to me for
us to start with all foreign spending.
Why are we rebuilding the infrastructure in Iraq and Afghanistan while our bridges and roads are nearly
impassable? Iraq is not a third world country. They control massive oil supplies. They do not need the
U.S. to help. They invaded a neighboring country; we kicked them out; end of the story.
Take care of America first. When we have a balanced budget and a massive surplus, then we can
reconsider foreign aid.
First: We do NOT have a firm long-term budget. Second: Cutting foreign aid will be a start. If you want
to call it isolationism, then call it isolationism. I call it survival.
Next, we need to halt all non-essential spending. We need to be a paragon for austerity. Wasteful
spending is all around us. All we need do is turn on the evening news and it is in our face.
Our elected leaders do not care what we the people think; they are doing what they want without regard
for our needs. Our infrastructure is crumbling before our faces.
“For every member of Congress, there are more than seven lobbyists for various parts of the health care
industry.” Time; March 4, 2013, page 20.