Page 55 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 55

Did that register with you?  That quote is talking about one group.

               How many lobbyists are in Washington?  Every time we turn around, we hear about this or those
               lobbyists seeking funding or tax breaks.  It must stop.

               The good thing about this problem is that it could end in the next second.  No laws need to be passed.
               Each elected official simply informs all lobbyists to:  “Stay away, I am not interested in your money.  If you
               have ideas send them to me in writing.  There will be no federal funds allocated based on your campaign
               contributions.  And, oh, by the way, item fifteen on the proposed constitutional amendments will soon take
               effect; so go away!”

               The “influence” given lobbyists and special interest groups must be exposed and controlled.  Read the
               following very carefully; I underlined and used italic to highlight the portions that make me sick.
               “-- Jim Messina, campaign manager to President Obama, talking to Politico for an article rolling out his
               new firm.

               So, the President is not disbanding his campaign, and in fact, will be continuing to raise money for what
               was a billion-dollar effort last year. Big donors will reportedly be able to get face time with the President
               for helping finance the ongoing effort.

               The sitting President will have a permanent, personal, well-funded campaign arm that peddles access to
               the commander in chief and deploys those funds to help the President win ongoing political fights ahead
               of the midterm elections. And now, the campaign manager will be able to open up side ventures with
               corporations, campaigns, and groups who he believes share the President’s aims.”


               Read more:


               What could possibly go wrong?”

               What exactly do I mean by HUMANITARIAN AID SHOULD START AT HOME?

               This is where you get to participate and use your critical thinking skills. Call or visit five people: friends,
               family or next-door neighbors.  Ask the following questions (next page) and record the responses.  Add
               your answers and send them off (e-mail or snail mail just get it done) to all elected officials in Washington.
               Ask those five to repeat the process and then those five to repeat the process, etc.

               Gita Bellin:  “If one desires a change, one must be that change, before that change can take place.”

                                              We need to make our voices heard.
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