Page 65 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 65


               An entry in Karl Marlantes’ book:    What It Is Like to Go to War discusses the asking of a twenty-year-old
               combat Veteran how he felt about killing someone.

               “Not a f---ing thing.” rolls off the Veteran’s lips.  Ask the same Veteran when he is sixty and if he is sober
               the answer might be different.”

               Sometimes the truth is revealing.  I know the above to be true from my conversations with soldiers and
               Veterans.  In my opinion, it is undoubtedly an oxymoron because:

                       Just think about it:  A twenty-year-old combat Veteran

                       Twenty-year-old:  Not of legal age to buy a beer

                       Combat:  Having to do with battle, warfare, and conflict

                       Veteran:  Expert, master, experienced, old-timer

               How do you define Veteran?

               In any usage, what is a Veteran?

               Who are we kidding?

               More specifically, who is our government joking?

               How can we as a society expect these young people to leave high school; serve multiple tours in
               dangerous areas around the world; experience the violence and the horror:  Then return home unaffected
               and unharmed?

                                               WHO IS ACCOUNTABLE?
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