Page 79 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 79

I Stand Guard

                                                 As he sleeps upon the couch
                                                        I stand guard
                                                  Even though I can touch him
                                                   He is not necessarily here
                                              The stillness envelops the both of us
                                                     While I sit in my chair
                                                  He is quiet for a while then
                                                       He begins to stir
                                                   His arms jerk occasionally
                                                And he mumbles out something
                                                     I cannot understand
                                            I brush his forehead and he quiets again
                                                  I now sit on the coffee table
                                                      Watching his face
                                                    Wondering where he is
                                                      His brows furrowed
                                                      His jaw set tightly
                                                     He turns onto his side
                                               Draws himself into a fetal position
                                                He moans out so I lay my hand
                                                      Against his cheek
                                                I feel moistness there from tears
                                                   He has shed in his sleep
                                                 He opens his eyes and blinks
                                            He sits up and looks around in confusion
                                                       I sit next to him
                                                 When I open my arms to him
                                                He lays his head upon my chest
                                    I hold him in my arms, and we rock I know where he is now
                                              He knows he is safe for the moment
                                                   Until he falls asleep again
                                                    Then I will stand guard

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