Page 78 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 78

Who is this child of mine?

                                               One day I sent my baby off to war
                                              We all knew what he was fighting for
                                             And then one day, he came back to me
                                             He was not the same we all could see
                                             He tried to be the one that we had sent
                                              Behind his eyes he hid all his torment

                                         My daughter joined the army and put her time in
                                         We waited patiently until she came home again
                                       The nights that she did sleep we kept all the lights on
                                       From early evenings dusk until last of mornings dawn
                                        Her fear, it did not leave when she was on safe soil
                                       The rest of her young life, for peace of mind she'll toil

                                      My boy, the day he left he was such a handsome man
                                       Proud to wear the uniform and fight to save our land
                                         We knew the day would come that he'd be near
                                          Now that he is home, I know that he's not here
                                        He lashes out at everything his anger is so strong
                                       It makes no matter to him we've done nothing wrong

                                                  A child of mine I sent to war
                                            To me returns someone I know no more
                                              The blank face stares he gives to me
                                                I wonder what it is he really sees
                                                  The simple tasks I ask he do
                                             He always starts but never gets through

                                                The alcohol, the drugs they use
                                          They seem to need for one day to get through
                                              Loud laughter is what we might hear
                                           While they are waiting for the enemy to near
                                            Though outsiders they see nothing wrong
                                            We see the weak where once was strong

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