Page 5 - Firehouse Pond
P. 5

Pictures credited as LOC were obtained from the Library of Congress.  LOC
             photographs used in this book are in the public domain, have no known restrictions

             of use and therefore are allowed by "fair use".

             Pictures credited as NARA were obtained from the National Archives and Records
             Administration.  NARA photographs used in this book are in the public domain,
             have no known restrictions of use and therefore are allowed by "fair use".

             Pictures credited as CT are used with permission from Mr. Charlie Turner, a life-
             long resident of Charleston.   Mr. Turner created replicas of several of Charleston’s
             prominent buildings including the Old Charleston City Hall and Fire Station on the
             front cover.

             Pictures credited as MCHS are used with permission obtained from the Mississippi

             County Historical Society.

             Pictures credited as DH are part of the Hart family archives.

             Use of quotes from War and the Soul, Edward Tick, Ph.D. © 2005, was

             reproduced by permission of Quest Books, the imprint of the Theosophical
             Publishing House.

             Throughout this book, you will notice the use of icons.

             Hyperlinks will appear throughout this book.  Many names of places and people
             are also linkable.

             Internet connection is needed to use links.  Without an internet connection, you
             will be able to read the book, but won’t be able to use the links.

             Each link provides information that authenticates or relates to the material
             presented. Citation or Source Information can also be determined by clicking on

             the links.

             Most pictures are linkable and text that is displayed in color is likely linkable.

             All internet links were valid at the time research was conducted.  You are
             encouraged to independently research each subject for updated information.
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