Page 8 - Firehouse Pond
P. 8


             These short story prose writings include inspired facts; imaginative narratives
             and recollections of people, things and events as I can recall from actual

             participation or from gathering stories from family and other people familiar
             with the events.

             I recall one fireman who took special care of this scared little boy that visited

             all too frequently.  During my visit to Charleston in June 2015, several people
             told me it was more than likely Fireman Johnathan.

             My grandmother told me to “Worry about those things you can change; let all
             else be the Lord’s concern.”

             Fireman Johnathan’s demeanor, kind words, and warmth echoed my
             grandmother’s teachings.

             The Fire Station and The Pond gave a scared little boy safety, comfort, and

             Lessons learned sitting by the firehouse pond remain with me to this day.

             Quotes I recall from Fireman Johnathan:

                                        “Do not be worried about your life.”

                                     “Be tough, and let your heart be brave.”

                                          “ … be strong and take heart … ”

                                                       Psalm 27:14
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