Page 9 - Firehouse Pond
P. 9

Please approach the reading of this book for entertainment and enlightenment.

             It is a fact-based narrative and editorial of what I personally recall; what I
             have been told by others, and what I believe to be accurate.

             Many of the stories in this book are told from the perspective of a young boy.
             Imagination undoubtedly played a role in the remembrance of some events.

             Many of the anecdotes I share are what I call: “Hand-Me-Downs”; just like

             most of my clothes when I was a little boy.  I might not entirely remember all
             the details.  Family members, friends and residents of the small community
             told me their elucidations of events often enough that I believe what I’ve been

             told and will do my best to share them with you.

             The Firehouse Pond is my elucidation.  The firehouse provided a safe harbor

             from which I could escape the everyday events of my early childhood.  The
             firemen provided positive mentoring and the fish provided a diversion.  I am
             grateful to all those firemen who took this little boy in and protected me from

             the “stuff” of life.

             The pond pictures on the back inside cover are of the fishpond in the back
             yard of our home in 2012.  I suppose you can say that the comfort of the

             cascading water and the movement of the fish remain with me from my
             childhood days.

                       This book includes excerpts from A Soldier’s Exposition and A Soldier’s Anthology.
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