Page 83 - Firehouse Pond
P. 83

                                                CIRCA 1940’S AND 1967
                                                 NATIONAL ARCHIVES

             The wooden barracks were vintage WWII:  Cold, wet, and complete with

             natural air conditioning.  Complete with holes in the walls large enough to put
             our hands through.

             “Give Me A Ticket for An Aero Plane” by The Box Tops was playing on the
             radio in the mess hall, “Ode to Billy Jo” by Bobbie Gentry followed. This one
             was rather interesting to hear.  Remembering my friend Billy Joe from
             Charleston, knowing he was as patriotic as anyone but unable to serve his

             country.  I had come a long way from my childhood days back in Missouri.

             All sorts of thoughts went through my mind as life as I had known it was

             changing at breakneck speed.  I was instantly certain I was screwed!

             I was in the U.S. Army without a high school diploma.  That meant I was on

             the fast track to the Infantry.  The Infantry in 1967 and the Vietnam War was
             a reality.

             Oh, those choices; mine caught up with me in a big way.  It did not take long
             for me to wise up and realize that I needed to do something, anything, to
             change my course and NOT be an infantry soldier.  I was too skinny, too
             young, and too scared to be an infantry soldier.
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