Page 78 - Firehouse Pond
P. 78

I was a poor skinny kid with marginal grades but somehow managed to be

             chosen to play high school sports.  Baseball was the best sport for me; it only
             cost the price of a glove, which I already had.

             Mom and my stepfather worked hard, but they were only making do and
             California was not really “the” place to be.

             We moved between Iowa, Colorado, California, back to Colorado, and finally

             returned to California to stay.  Just about the time, I’d settle into a new
             school, we were on the move again.

                                      ALL THAT TRAVELING PAYS OFF

             My attendance at out of state high schools resulted in me having taken

             advanced math and science classes.  I was ahead of my California high school
             classmates and taking three study hall classes every day.

             During my senior year of high school, the state of California began a program
             in which some high school kids, including me, could attend a state junior
             college and finish high school requirements concurrently.

             We had to take an extra physical education class as this was a pre-requisite to
             graduate high school.  As it turned out; this was an important requirement that
             would later hinder me.
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