Page 79 - Firehouse Pond
P. 79


             America was experiencing troubled times and I am about to get an education I
             was not ready to receive.

             They say we all have a “significant day” we will never forget.  I have several
             of those days and will share a few as we progress.

                                    PRAY FOR OUR FALLEN PRESIDENT
                                                  NOVEMBER 22, 1963

             I am in algebra class wishing I was anywhere other than in algebra class.  The

             principal’s voice screeched from the speaker: “May I have your attention,
             please?  The President of The United States of America has been shot and
             killed.  All students are to be released early.  Pray for our fallen president and

             for our country.”

             From 1963 to August 1967 I struggled to find my way.  We continued to be

             poor and I knew there had to be a better way.
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