Page 102 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 102
Gold star mothers" is a term that came into general use with the creation of the service flags used to
show that a family had a son in the service (a blue star) or a son that had died in the service (a gold star
almost covering the blue star so that a rim of blue still shows). Mothers of slain servicemen came to be
known as gold star mothers. The phrase is sometimes capitalized but this is incorrect because it is not the
proper name of any organization. The phrase is generic and, through customary usage has come to
designate any mother whose child has been lost in war.
A group of gold star mothers met in 1928 and formed the organization American Gold Star Mothers, Inc
(AGSM). AGSM is a private organization and you must apply for membership if you wish to join. AGSM is
also a non-profit, 501 (c) (3), organization and as such cannot engage in political or lobbying activities.
Our members may have their own views which they are free to express, but these opinions are not those
of AGSM. The organization takes no position on political issues of the day but does support our military
and has many activities that reflect that support.