Page 100 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 100

Here are two more with special meaning to me:

               “If our country is worth dying for in time of war; let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of
               peace.”  Hamilton Fish

               “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.”
               Thomas Paine

               For me, the question of what it is like to be an American can be answered with a single word:  FREE.

               You and I are blessed with freedoms simply because we are Americans.

               Freedom can be simple:

                   •   Free to wear blue jeans or a suit to work
                   •   Free to choose where you want to live
                   •   Free to talk on your cell phone
                   •   Free to go to a movie
                   •   Free to _____________ (you fill in the blank)

               Or freedom can be a little more complex:

                   •   Free to speak out and speak up
                   •   Free to demonstrate for or against whatever or whomever
                   •   Free to _____________ (you fill in the blank)

               And freedom can become difficult:

                   •   Free to vote
                   •   Free to run for office
                   •   Free to raise a family

               And freedom also places demands on us:

                   •   To remain free you must be responsible for your own actions
                   •   To remain free you must be respectful of others
                   •   To remain free you must serve your country.
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