Page 97 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 97


                                                THANKS FOR INDULGING ME

               The experts say:  “Talk it through.”

               But unless they are a Veteran, they downright do not have a solid point of reference and therefore they do
               NOT comprehend.

               I wrote only of my experiences in this account.  I incorporated the observances of my fellow soldiers and
               their families.  I provided quotations from other people and I directed you to numerous organizations for
               your resource.

               When I permit myself to reflect and to use what remains of my critical thinking skills, I know that I did the
               right thing when I chose to remain on active duty and serve for twenty-two years.  All things painstaking

                                         IT WAS AN HONOR SERVING MY COUNTRY

               I consider Military service an honor.  I can think of no greater “service” than that in which a citizen has
               taken an oath to support and defend, with his or her life, the American way.


               My “tour of duty” began during the time the draft was in effect.  It is my opinion that without the draft we
               would not have had an extended Vietnam War.  The protestors and songwriters were making seemingly
               valid points.  “Why was it our war?”


               Today, the All-Volunteer military: is at risk of failing mainly
               because of the political climate in America.

               Our government leaders; NOT leaders; have evolved into a group of self-interested individuals.  They can
               begin to correct the difficulties we find ourselves in by signing the Congressional “NO” Pledge located in
               Appendix I.  I encourage all readers to convert the information into an e-mail and send it off to all elected
               officials today.

                                             “OUR COUNTRY RIGHT OR WRONG

                                              WHEN RIGHT TO BE KEPT RIGHT

                                             WHEN WRONG TO BE PUT RIGHT.”

                                                         Carl Schurz
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