Page 51 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 51
As stated earlier, as a combat service support LOG, I was seldom:
- “for the record” or
- “on the record” or
- “officially for the public to know record”
- “actually, in combat”.
I was, however, intently involved with combat units, and in support of combat operations. I trained with
the combat units. I was prepared to fight with the combat units, and I supported the (my) combat units.
My official military records reflect my assigned duty stations, assigned units, and the military schools
My official military records do not reflect all of the numerous so-called Temporary Duty (TDY)
Assignments, or all of the “Other Duties as Assigned” service.
More than twelve years of my official active duty was performed in a capacity other than the MOS for
which my family and friends thought I was performing.
These were not necessarily classified assignments – they were:
“Need-To-Know” assignments and other than the soldiers performing the tasks no one else had a “Need-
Please review the Seven Questions. Reflect, think, and visualize deeply.