Page 117 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 117
I have never in my life been accused of being without words. But, those two foreign aid authorizations not
only took my breath away; they rendered me speechless. I begged my wife to help me find a word or
phrase to describe the [?] I still can’t find the words to describe it!
The aid to the Russian Federation is irrational. I understand the part about the “lowest Russian grain
harvests in decades”; (I think we’ve had a couple of those years right here in the USA – right?).
But I criticize the statement about “a severe financial crisis.” When I read: “Most of the food aid was sold
by the Russian government to regional mills and processors and is expected to raise about $353.2 million
for the Russian Pension Fund and $2.3 million for agricultural projects in Russia.”:
I almost needed to dial 911 – my heart was pounding. Are they kidding me?
The first thought that came into my mind was: Shakedown.
The aid to North Korea was based on a threat to our nation. Read the title:
‘‘North Korea Threat Reduction Act of 1999.”
We have the best trained and equipped military in the world. Why did we cower to North Korea? We
should have demanded the demolition of those missiles in return for us not doing it for them.
This first thought that came into my mind was: Extortion.
I urge you to read; think and get busy. You can use the letter I provided to kick-start your movement.
Copy; paste; and send all elected officials correspondence letting them know we have had enough! The
letter I included is less than 1,000 words so it can be pasted into an email on their webpages without a
We need to make our voices heard.
Enough is enough!