Page 119 - Firehouse Pond
P. 119

                                        HEIDELBERG IS A BEAUTIFUL CITY

             While stationed in Heidelberg, West Germany, I was blessed with a special
             keepsake – my son.  He was born in Heidelberg and remained a dual citizen

             until his eighteenth birthday.  Yes, he chose to be an American.

             Eighteen months later, my life was filled with wonder; his little sister would
             give me a Rocky Mountain High.  She was born in Colorado.

             While traveling through Italy, I noticed a sign for Bologna.  Well, my mind
             immediately went to baloney, the sausage, and flashed back to the cotton

             fields.  I would soon discover that Bologna is the seventh most populous city
             in Italy and the home to the oldest university in the world, The University of
             Bologna, founded in 1088.

             Amman, Jordan is an interesting place.  But my passport and military security
             clearance created more misery than memories.  In fact, my tour was short,

             and travel in and around Amman was so restricted that I never had an
             opportunity to learn more.
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