Page 14 - Firehouse Pond
P. 14

Mr. Tom Graham: Past President and current Board Member of the

             Mississippi County Historical Society, literally opened the doors and the file
             cabinets for me to conduct research.  His background information and
             permission to use historical documents and pictures undoubtedly enhance

             these writings.  Another very important result of having met Tom was his
             referral to Charlie and Dorothy Turner.

             Mrs. Melissa Simmons-Graham; Pharmacist and owner of Simmons Graham

             Pharmacy on Main Street, proved to be a wealth of knowledge.  Being a
             lifelong resident of Charleston and operating her business from the very
             building where my sister met her ticket out of Charleston was, I admit, a bit

             evocative.  Melissa provided stories about my friend Billy Joe and other
             people from my past.  She even bought me an Orange Soda.  Thanks,
             Melissa, for helping me feel at home.

             Mrs. Dorothy Turner answered my next call.  Tom Graham gave me Charlie
             and Dorothy’s number and told me Charlie was “the man” to speak to about

             Charleston.  Dorothy and I spoke for several minutes; she agreed that when I
             got to town we should sit down and have a chat.  Dorothy was an
             encyclopedia of information and was ready to share her knowledge.  Thank
             you so much for opening your home to me and filling in the blanks so


             Mr. Charlie Turner is a very talented and opinionated man.  He too is a wealth

             of knowledge about Charleston’s history.  His talent, I soon found out, was
             building replica models of several distinguished buildings in and around
             Charleston.  His model of the original firehouse is on the cover of this book.
             Thanks, Charlie, for granting permission for its use.  His stories need to be

             captured and placed in the historical records of Charleston.

             Several neighborhood residents were kind enough to spend a few minutes

             talking to me about my birthplace.  On arrival in Charleston, I spent nearly
             three hours driving up and down and around the streets of Charleston letting
             my mind recall what it could and to begin the process of learning about my

             past.  I never met a single person who refused to take the time to talk to me.
             My thanks to all of you for caring and, like Melissa, helping me “feel at
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