Page 13 - Firehouse Pond
P. 13


                                        MOM - IT IS NOT BEST LEFT ALONE

             I dedicate these stories to all those who, over the years, shared their
             knowledge of the events that influenced me and molded me into the person I

             am today.

             I was encouraged by my wife Lin; without her trust, love, dedication to the
             cause, understanding, and devotion, this book would never have come to be.

             Thanks for all you do to help make my life relevant.

             My son Jason provided the technical knowledge, software tools, training,

             patience, and endurance for me to complete this book and the associated

             There are so many others who contributed to my life’s education and well-
             being.  It would be futile to attempt written acknowledgment of all of them.  I
             hope I expressed my appreciation each time they made my life better.

             A special thank you to all the kind and generous residents of Charleston; each
             welcomed me, opened their doors and shared their knowledge of my family.

             My first contact was with Mr. Robert Hearnes, Director, Charleston’s
             Department of Public Safety.  I was seeking information about the firehouse.
             His assistance and referral to Mr. Tom Graham proved to open the flood


             Thanks, Mr. Hearnes, for accepting that phone call from a stranger.
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