Page 86 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 86


                                       NO EXCUSES FOR A SECOND-RATE EDUCATION

               President Reagan once said:  “There you go again.”

               Well, I can’t help myself.
                       If you controlled the budget of the United States, where do you think the money would be best

                          a.  Egypt’s fragile Muslim Brotherhood government

                          b.  Direct funding without earmarks to establish American schools as the best in the world.

               Expectations; Accountability; Accomplishment:

               A total win-win atmosphere

               It can be accomplished

               Expect and accept nothing less!

               I watch the news every day.  According to my wife, I watch too much news.  But there is an explanation.
               It involves a little thing called dementia.  Perhaps I will explain a little later, maybe not.  It is a very
               personal matter.  I’ll think about it.  I hope I remember to think about it.  I’m confident my wife will prompt

               When I hear or watch stories about how poorly our children are doing in school or how the business
               owners claim they can’t find trained Americans to do the tasks in their factories I want to scream!

               We need an:

                                         “AMERICA FIRST IN EDUCATION PROGRAM”

                                     SET THE EXPECTATION AND DO NOT SURRENDER

               Every American should be expected to obtain at least a high school education; no exceptions.  No
               dropouts allowed.  Stay in school or receive zero assistance in the future.  Failure to stay in school equals
               no driver’s license, no unemployment checks, etc.

               I do not get it.  How is it that our government thinks (oxymoron time again) that you need to be 21 to be
               responsible enough to buy a beer, but also declare that you are responsible enough to drop out of high
               school at age 16?

               This is a major life-changing decision at age 16.  Can someone please explain the logic of this to me?

               Allowing a 16-year-old to drop out of school equates to a life sentence, for most of them, to go on and
               stay on government assistance programs. It is unconscionable and we must alter their course.

               If the expectation is established and the consequence is severe the problem will decline meaningfully.

               School is job one.  No excuse, no backing down. Get up, go to school every day.

                                                      STAY IN SCHOOL
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