Page 89 - A Soldiers Exposition
P. 89

                                                        GET REAL
                                                    GET REAL TOUGH

               I also do not want to pay taxes to reward you for your fun and games that resulted in a child(ren) being
               born to an irresponsible mother and most likely absent, non-child support paying father.

               It took two; you are both responsible.  Name the father – hold him responsible.

               In this age of computers, there is categorically no excuse for the government not being able to assist with
               the collection of child support and alimony.

               If the government is required for the collection of child support and alimony, the responsible
               (irresponsible) parent should be required to pay the full administrative collection expenses; plus a 10%
               penalty; plus enforced community service.

               Repeated failure to pay child support and alimony will result in a different form of community service - jail:

                                               First Failure to Pay:     30 days
                                               Second Failure to Pay:    90 days
                                               Third Failure to Pay:   270 days

               Failure to pay again:  You do not want to know the consequences.


               You will serve all jail time in your free time without interference with your job.  It won’t be spent sitting
               around watching television. You will be doing community service and learning.

               Classes will be taught; you will attend and participate.  You will reimburse the system for all expenses of
               the teacher and facility.

               Your free ride is over.  Your child(ren) are your responsibility!  If you do not pay as ordered by the courts:

                                              YOU PAY MORE WITH PENALTIES

               Why are taxpayers footing the bill for these layabouts?  News Flash:  No deadbeats (layabouts) allowed;
               you have responsibilities.  Get off your ass; get a job and meet your obligations!

               Can you imagine a nation with lower taxes because the parents are responsible for their children?  I can,
               and I do – because I am sick and tired of paying for the raising of other people’s children.

                                                  STAND UP – SPEAK OUT

                                                    ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

                                         STOP THE BEHAVIOR, STOP THE MADNESS

               Question:  Is it constitutional to burden a citizen through taxation for the feeding, clothing, housing, and
               education of other people’s children?  I’m just asking.
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